Undergraduate Program Advisor

Getting help

Academic advisors are committed to providing a supportive environment that focuses on individual student needs and prioritizes your educational, professional, and personal development. As your advisors, we can help you identify your goals, strengths, and interests to help you make informed decisions.

Advisors can help with:

  • Planning your degree
  • Choosing your courses
  • Confirming program requirements
  • Understanding university regulations, policies and processes
  • Accessing student supports
  • Faculty grading schemes
  • Understand your transfer credits
  • Taking courses at other universities (letter of permission)

To learn more about the academic advisor and student partnership, view the SMU Academic Advising Syllabus .

Want more information? Check out our Advising FAQs.

Faculty of Arts

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Environmental Studies
McNally Main 218

Telephone: 902-420-5437
Email: BAadvising@smu.ca
Website: Bachelor of Arts Advising Centre
Dean: Dr. Mary I. Ingraham
Associate Dean of Arts (Curriculum and Student Affairs): Dr. Myles McCallum
Associate Dean of Arts (Outreach and Faculty Support): Dr. Sara Malton
Senior Academic Advisor: Emily Anderson
Program Advisors: Robyn McIntosh, Shawn Simamba 


Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Science and Diploma of Engineering
Atrium 301

Telephone: 902-420-5661
Email: advisor.science@smu.ca‌
Website: Science Advising Centre
Dean: Dr. Sam Veres (Acting)
Associate Dean (Student Affairs): Dr. Jason Masuda (Acting)
Associate Dean (Curriculum): Dr. Roby Austin
Senior Academic Advisor: Courtenay Kyle
Academic Advisors:  Laura Johnston and Tara Whitney

Sobey School of Business

Bachelor of Commerce
Sobey Building 252
Telephone: 902-491-6532
Email: bcomm.advising@smu.ca
Dean: Dr. Mark Raymond (Interim)
Associate Dean (Undergraduate and Professional Graduate Programs): Dr. Margaret McKee
Program Coordinator: Dr. Miguel Morales
Senior Academic Advisor: Jill Thomas
Academic Advisor: Emma Wicks, Wendy Wang