Indigenous student financial supports
Loretta Saunders Community Scholarship Fund
Indigenous women from Mi’kma’ki, Nunatsiavut, or Atlantic Canada who are attending a post-secondary institution in Canada and who have completed the equivalent of one year of post-secondary education in the previous two years are invited to apply.
Indspire Funding
Indspire is an external organization that supports Indigenous students on their educational journeys. Indspire has a resource list of external awards for Indigenous students that is consistently updated. Find out more at
Application deadlines are February 1, August 1 and November 1 of each year.
Awards for current students
As you continue beyond first year at Saint Mary's, there are other university scholarships and bursaries available for Indigenous Students. Visit our Indigenous Community page for more information.
Indigenous Bursary Search Tool
The Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool is a searchable list of 520 bursaries, scholarships and incentives aimed at Indigenous students across Canada.
Post-Care Tuition Waiver Program
The Saint Mary’s University Post-Care Tuition Waiver Program supports individuals who have lived in care in the Nova Scotia child welfare system – including Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services of Nova Scotia – or have been in receipt of the Department of Community Services’ Youth Services Program. This bursary covers up to 100% of tuition and mandatory course fees for those selected and is renewable for the duration of the student’s first post-secondary program, provided they maintain good academic standing. The deadline to apply is June 1.