Business Case Competitions

As a Sobey student, you can take part in graduate and undergraduate case competitions on the local, national and international level.

Apply your classroom learning to real-world challenges, test your ability to think on your feet, and compete against other students, in consultation with industry leaders. The competitions are an excellent place to network and to connect with recruiters, who are often in attendance. If you know of a competition you'd like to take part in, speak to one of our faculty members or your advisor.  We regularly take part in the , the , the and more.

Some funding is available for competitions, including the Pat Bradshaw Award.

Bob Shaw Case Competition

Held annually, the Bob Shaw Case Competition is a Sobey tradition, testing the mettle of the first-year MBA class. The case is usually based on a local business and often crafted by a Sobey professor or professors (sometimes with senior students assisting) specifically for the competition.